Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Every Drop Counts

'' Every drop counts''
97% of the worlds water is salt, that means that there is only 3% that is fresh, and of that 3% percent Canada has 7%; and of the 7%, 80% in up north. did you know that it takes about 2.5 to 4.5 million tones of water to produce food for a person in Canada for one year, and that i takes 50 tones of water just to produce 1 tone of car. We are using way to much water.

'' It's melting away... it's wasting away... I need it, there's no doubt about it''
Our glaciers are melting and we are just wasting water we all need to help out because we all need it, we just can't survive without it. We can all start reducing our water by simply washing all our dirty clothes and not just the ones we want to wear, or by quickly watering plants and not leaving taps on.

'' It's what we've got it's all.... that's it''
All our fresh water is withering away, We half to make a change before it's all gone because there is no substitution.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean Currents

Oceananic currents are the vertical or horizontal movement of both surface and deep water throughtout the worlds oceans. currents normaly move in a specific direction in the earths moisture , the resultant weather, and water pollution. Most surface currents are found 400 meters and up in the ocean these make up about 10% of the water in the ocean.

Gyres move clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

Deep water currents also called thermohaline cuculation, are found usually 400 meters below and make up 90% of the oceans water.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1 At 9 seconds the tonsil is like a net that traps the organisms.

2 At 16 seconds the organisms go in and are trapped in the net.

3 At 23 seconds the white blood cells come and fight off the organisms thus causing a soar throat.

All of these thing are also applied the same way with adnoids except insted of a soar throat you get a plugged nose.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Chloroplast.

The chloroplast is more like the city. It is efficient because there is more people or organelles working hard so more can be done. The chloroplast is what makes plants grow by using photosynthesis. It is a self feeder it can depend on itself to grow and develop into energy-rich sugar called glucose. When glucose is made it occurs within the granum. On the thylakoid membranes the granum is a stack of thylakoid membranes which look like Frisbees on top of each other as shown in the pic.

The Mitochondrion

The mitochondrion is called the power plant of the cell. It holds on to glucose to make energy called ATP. ATP is like a special battery. The mitochondrion feeds off of other organells to help grow. The matrix looks like a canal as shown in the pic.

How the are alike

The two organells could not live with out each other there would be no energy for the cell to do its daily activities. These two parts seem to be doing just fine. I think that nothing should be changed between them.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. There are two different types of cells. 1 is a simple cell. 2 is a complex cell they are mem brain bound to make it stick together. a Proceiriotic cell is bactieria. there are two different types of microscopes 1 a compound light microscope uses lensses to magnify objects. 2 an electron microscope was invented in the 1940's it can magnify up to 500000 times.
