Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Chloroplast.

The chloroplast is more like the city. It is efficient because there is more people or organelles working hard so more can be done. The chloroplast is what makes plants grow by using photosynthesis. It is a self feeder it can depend on itself to grow and develop into energy-rich sugar called glucose. When glucose is made it occurs within the granum. On the thylakoid membranes the granum is a stack of thylakoid membranes which look like Frisbees on top of each other as shown in the pic.

The Mitochondrion

The mitochondrion is called the power plant of the cell. It holds on to glucose to make energy called ATP. ATP is like a special battery. The mitochondrion feeds off of other organells to help grow. The matrix looks like a canal as shown in the pic.

How the are alike

The two organells could not live with out each other there would be no energy for the cell to do its daily activities. These two parts seem to be doing just fine. I think that nothing should be changed between them.

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